
We understand Baptism to be the sacrament by which God adopts us as God’s children and makes us members of Christ’s body, the Church. A sacrament, for Episcopalians, is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace. In Baptism we welcome new members into the Body of Christ, commit ourselves to support them in their life in Christ, and re-dedicate our own lives to Christ.  Baptism is a wonderful celebration that involves the whole congregation.

Because we understand Baptism to be an action by and in the community of faith, the ceremony is part of our regular Sunday worship service. Private Baptisms are not performed, except in cases of extreme emergency. 

  • The Book of Common Prayer sets aside specific days for Baptism, each having a special significance in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ or of the Church. Baptisms at St. Paul’s are offered on the Sunday after Easter Day (March/April), Pentecost (May/June), All Saints’ Day (November) and the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord (January). In addition we often add a Baptism date in August. Click here to view upcoming Baptism dates.

  • As a candidate for Baptism, or as the parent of a child being presented for Baptism, you will be prepared in several ways. First, the congregation will pray for you by name, both in public worship and in private prayers. So the people of St. Paul’s will know you as they pray for you, you will be introduced to the congregation on a Sunday close to the Baptism. Second, you will be required to participate in Baptism preparation. For adults preparing for Baptism, preparation is determined in consultation with one of our clergy who will guide you and assist you in a way that fits your needs and questions. For parents of children being presented for Baptism, preparation includes a class scheduled on the day before the Baptism. The class focuses on the meaning of Baptism and the promises that you will make for your child. A rehearsal follows the class so you will be fully prepared for the Baptism on Sunday. Godparents are invited and encouraged to attend the class and rehearsal with you.

  • You will choose the sponsors for yourself or the godparents for your child. These people should be baptized Christians, willing to vow they will see to your or your child’s spiritual well-being and support you in your spiritual growth.