Update :: MLK Lay Clergy Group

Housing is a major crisis in Indianapolis. This housing crisis has implications for homelessness, eviction and gun violence. The MLK Lay Clergy Group is attempting to address this issue. Over the past few months, the group has attended housing presentations by Rabbi Aaron Spiegel of the Greater Indianapolis Multifath Alliance and heard presentations by the Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership (this group supports affordable housing opportunities in Marion County and provides access of choice for individuals and families in their housing journey), Sanctuary Indy, (this group focuses on permanent supportive housing with wrap around services for the chronically homeless) and Meridian St Methodist Court watchers (focusing on gathering eviction data that can be used to influence housing legislation).

The MLK Center reviewed the four pillars of their housing focus: emergency and transitional housing, eviction prevention, rent assistance and financial literacy. The January meeting concluded with discussion regarding the needs that could be supported by the MLK Lay Clergy Group. These needs include: donations of unrestricted funds that can be used for rent and utilities, landlord partners that will rent to MLK approved families within community boundaries, financial literacy partners that will help with coaching, donations of household items, cleaning supplies and furniture, as needed.

St Paul’s Outreach team, in response to this call for support, will be holding a Spring Cleaning product drive, information coming soon.

If you are feeing God’s call and are interested in assisting the MLK Center in a mentioned area or are interested in becoming a member of the Lay Clergy team, please click here to email Janie Frazier for more information.




Update :: School #43